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Thursday, March 27, 2025
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Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.5 hours

Recorded DateMarch 14, 2025
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

Let me ask you a question. What is your #1 most used Excel function of all time? Is it the sum function? Well, it shouldn’t be if your goal is to reduce errors in your recurring-use workbooks. We’ll explore a powerful alternative to the SUM function that allows us to perform better summing.

Let me ask you another question. When you insert new data rows, are they automatically included in your formulas? If not, you probably have errors in your workbook because the formulas don’t include everything they should.

Anticipating how your workbooks may change over time and addressing the related risks upfront can help reduce your workbook errors. In this webinar, we’ll explore three simple ways to improve the reliability of your recurring-use workbooks.


Participants of this webinar will automatically receive a complimentary subscription to the Excel University blog! After the webinar, you'll receive a welcome email with links to the resources included in the presentation. You'll be notified via email whenever I write a new Excel article or blog post, typically 2-3 per month. You can unsubscribe anytime, but I hope you'll stick around to learn more about how to use Excel.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize ways to reduce errors in workbooks

  • Identify how to automate workbook formulas

  • Determine ways to update workbooks and workbook formulas

  • Identify three ways to improve the reliability of your recurring-use workbooks

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David Collins (dcTax, LLC.)

"Jeff Lenning is one of those guys that you wonder if he wrote Excel by himself. Very knowledgeable, engaging speaker, and takes his time to walk through a process. I came into the session thinking I would be wasting my time as I am fairly proficient with Excel already. I expected it to be a class teaching basic Sum function, etc. Instead it was about SubTotal instead of Sum. But, you never thought of it the way he taught it and the 'tricks' he showed us. Humbled me to realize you never know as much as you think you do. Thank you Jeff for writing such a great piece of software. :)"
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Wayne Ma (The Siegfried Group)

"Jeff's class was one of the best CPE classes I have taken. From his voice, you can tell he is not only knowledgeable of Microsoft Excel, but he was also very enthusiastic about what he does. He kept us intrigue the entire class and he taught things that were actually useful to my everyday work. He was thorough and organized, but the most impressive part was that I didn't feel the classes was information overload, even though it was a lot of things I learned. Perhaps it is because he stayed within his objective for the class. Highly recommend taking his classes."
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Anita Monk-Ryan (The Geological Society of America)

"I've been an Excel user for over 30 years and I had used many of the tips that were given in the seminar. However, I had never heard of the Table Function, which are created similar to a pivot table. Implementing the tables into my investment schedules, talk about a game changer for me. It took me less time to set up the new formatting needed to have the tables be efficient then it would of for me to update all of the formulas for all of the trades we had the previous month. Talk about saving me time and effort. Thank you!!"
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Neena Bentley (Mary Greeley Medical Center)

"Jeff Lenning is brilliant, concise, eloquent, easy to follow, and funny. He explains Excel in a way that anyone can understand and his advice is practical, relevant, and has already saved me so much time during my month-end close process. I highly recommend ANY training that has his name on it! He provides training in all sorts of formats; videos, blog, many publications, and of course, I VERY highly recommend Excel University to EVERYONE who uses Excel! It has certainly helped me and is definitely worth the money spent."

Caroline Ridders (Cheque Mate Bookkeeping Services)

"Amazing! Great use of each minute. He reviews everythingn twice which you may think is a waste of time (as I did) but it's quick and super valuable. What an excellent trainer. I take course ALL the time and often go into Blah Blah Blah mode or pretend to be listening but I am not. This is not the case with this webinar. Wish I could send the link for this one course to all my customers. So many people I know would benefit from this uber useful 1.5 hours. Thank you for making my time today with you valuable."
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Jena Will (Integrity Bookkeeping)

"Everyone should take this excel course! Everything presented in the course was new to me and I learned a lot of relative and time-saving information. I love Jeff's personality and the way he presents. He is engaging and asks us to participate and follow along and complete the exercise with him. I am a hands-on learner, so this was really helpful for me. Great information, great energy and my attention was held the entire course. What are you waiting for?! Sign up for this course now!"
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Kathleen Lovett (Kathleen R Lovett CPA AC)

"Jeff Lenning used some very good examples in this webinar. I would have never come up with his efficiency shortcuts on my own as I don't have the time to sit down and figure them out myself. I have to "get the work done". I will utilize the shortcuts as best I can in my work, Thanks Jeff for a great webinar. I bought the 124 CPE offer because I want more efficiency as well as more hours. I look forward to being a student again. A sincere "Golden Buzzer" from me."
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Mark Mackey (Mark Mackey, CPA)

"Jeff Lenning for President! I highly recommend Jeff's Excel University course to any Accounting/Finance people that are interested in improving their Excel skills. I took the course a few years ago as an intermediate user and credit it the course with making me an advanced/expert user. If you're interested in learning all of the tips and techniques in Excel that increase efficiency when doing accounting work look no further than Jeff's course."
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Jeff Lenning, CPA, CITP

Excel University
Author of Excel University
(949) 200-7688

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Award-winning instructor Jeff Lenning has shown thousands of CPAs and accounting professionals across the country how to use Excel to streamline their work and become more efficient.

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About Our Presenter

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If you could learn Excel simply and easily at your pace and could learn the features and functions that are relevant and practical to accounting professionals – would you want to? If you are an accounting professional and have taken Excel classes before, you know the pace can be too fast or too slow, and the content may not be relevant to your work. Excel University explores relevant features that allow you to get your work done quicker, in a self-paced, fun, and engaging way. Become more efficient, streamline processes, and save time with Jeff Lenning’s Excel University. Designed by a CPA for CPAs and accounting professionals, this series covers functions you need, and skips those you don’t. The content has been written from scratch integrating everything Jeff knows about Excel training learned over the past decade of providing continuing professional education.